
Individual tickets
One-way trip

Individual tickets are available at any price level for children, adolescents or adults. They entitle one person to a single ride without transfers and interruptions.

Rate levelAdultsU18
Quick trip (A)*2,10 €-
City of Kassel3,20 €2,00 €
KasselPlus (B)4,20 €2,60 €
Price level S (C)2,00 €1,40 €
Price level 12,50 €1,70 €
Price level 24,10 €2,30 €
Price level 35,30 €3,10 €
Price level 46,80 €3,70 €
Price level 58,20 €4,50 €
Price level 69,70 €5,50 €
Price level 711,20 €6,30 €
Price level 813,20 €7,30 €

* Tickets for quick trips are also available in blocks of 5 (5erTicket)

(A) Quick trip tickets are valid for rides without transfers only within the KasselPlus Zone for up to four stops after the boarding stop; for railway travel this means routes of up to three kilometers. 
(B) KasselPlus comprises: City of Kassel, Ahnatal, Baunatal, Calden, Espenau, Fuldabrück, Fuldatal, Habichtswald, Kaufungen, Lohfelden, Nieste, Niestetal, Schauenburg, Staufenberg and Vellmar.
(C) Valid in downtown Bad Wildungen including Reinhardshausen, the downtown areas of Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Frankenberg, Korbach, Melsungen, Reinhardshagen and Witzenhausen.


  • Valid for one person 
  • One ride without transfer and interruptions
  • Available at all price levels 

Ticket sale: 

At ticket dispensers in trams and on RegioTrams, from the bus driver, at the Customer Center and at the InfoPoints or at one of the many sales points in Kassel and environs, NVV-App


The 5erTicket is purchased as a block of 5 individual tickets. It is valid for any ride and allows switching to another line, but does not allow transfers or interruptions.  

The 5erTicket is available in all price levels and for children, adolescents or adults:

Rate levelAdultsU18
City of Kassel3,10 €1,70 €
KasselPlus (A)4,10 €2,20 €
Price level S (B)1,80 €1,20 €
Price level 12,20 €1,50 €
Price level 23,60 €2,00 €
Price level 34,70 €2,60 €
Price level 45,90 €3,40 €
Price level 57,30 €4,30 €
Price level 68,50 €5,10 €
Price level 79,80 €5,70 €
Price level 811,50 €6,30 €

(A) KasselPlus comprises: City of Kassel, Ahnatal, Baunatal, Calden, Espenau, Fuldabrück, Fuldatal, Habichtswald, Kaufungen, Lohfelden, Nieste, Niestetal, Schauenburg, Staufenberg and Vellmar.
(B) Valid in downtown Bad Wildungen including Reinhardshausen, the downtown areas of Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Frankenberg, Korbach, Melsungen, Reinhardshagen and Witzenhausen

  • Five individual tickets  
  • Up to 20 % price reduction over individual tickets
  • For one person, without transfers and interruptions

Ticket sale: 
At ticket dispensers in trams and on RegioTrams, from the bus driver, at the Customer Center and at the InfoPoints or at one of the many sales points in Kassel and environs

Multi-ride Tickets
Multi-ride Tickets

The MultiTicket Single is valid for one person. The MultiTicket allows up to 5 individuals to ride and no more than 2 of them may be 18 years or older. 
Both tickets can be used for any number of rides for either 24 hours or an entire weekend, including adjacent holidays and as of the previous business day after 2 pm.  
These tickets are transferable and non-school age children can ride for free. In price level 8, both tickets are valid for the entire network, i.e. the entire NVV region.  

Rate levelMultiTicketMultiTicket Single
City of Kassel (A)10,90 €7,90 €
KasselPlus (B)12,60 €9,20 €
Price level S (C)6,00 €4,00 €
Price level 17,90 €5,50 €
Price level 212,60 €9,20 €
Price level 314,10 €10,40 €
Price level 417,50 €13,30 €
Price level 521,20 €16,50 €
Price level 624,50 €19,30 €
Price level 727,70 €22,30 €
Price level 830,90 €25,20 €

(A) City of Kassel comprises: The City Limits of Kassel.
(B) KasselPlus comprises: City of Kassel, Ahnatal, Baunatal, Calden, Espenau, Fuldabrück, Fuldatal, Habichtswald, Kaufungen, Lohfelden, Nieste, Niestetal, Schauenburg, Staufenberg and Vellmar.
(C) Valid in downtown Bad Wildungen including Reinhardshausen, the downtown areas of Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Frankenberg, Korbach, Melsungen, Reinhardshagen and Witzenhausen.

  • Valid for 24 hours or as of Friday 2 pm for the entire weekend, including adjacent holidays  
  • Valid for any number of rides  
  • Transferable  

Ticket sale: 
At ticket dispensers in trams and on RegioTrams, from the bus driver, at the Customer Center and at the InfoPoints or at one of the many sales points in Kassel and environs, NVV-App

GroßgruppenTicket (Ticket for Large Groups)

The GroßgruppenTicket (Ticket for Large Groups) can be purchased for groups of 5 people or more for one-way rides throughout the entire NVV region.

Rides for adults and children cost half of the price of an individual ticket or individual tickets U18 if you use this option. Individuals who accompany and chaperone kindergarten groups or school groups also pay half of the ticket price for individual tickets U18. The total ticket price is computed on the basis of the number of passengers and the geographic scope of the ticket. 

Any group that is in possession of such a joint ticket must remain together and ride together across the entire route. Exceptions from this rule may be agreed upon when the group registers, if the group has to be divided for capacity reasons. 

Registration of group rides 

  • A registration is not required for KVG trams and buses. 

If you are riding on other transportation carriers in Northern Hesse, groups of 15 or more will have to register at least 3 business days in advance by calling the NVV Service Phone at 0800-939-0800 (toll-free).

  • For regional trains and for the RegioTram, registration 10 business days ahead of the trip is required for groups of more than 30 or for groups bringing along bicycles. 
  • As a rule, a maximum of 30 individuals can be registered for bus rides. Unfortunately it is not possible to accommodate groups bringing along bicycles on buses. 
  • In AnrufSammelTaxis and at Mobilfalt, it is not possible to transport groups since cars are the common mode of transportation for those. 

Please understand that it will not always be possible to make additional space available to you on the routes you select. In such cases, we will be happy to advise you with regard to alternative travel options. 

Rate levelAdultsU18
City of Kassel (A)1,60 €1,00 €
KasselPlus (B)2,10 €1,30 €
Price level S (C)1,00 €0,70 €
Price level 11,25 €0,85 €
Price level 22,05 €1,15 €
Price level 32,65 €1,55 €
Price level 43,40 €1,85 €
Price level 54,10 €2,25 €
Price level 64,85 €2,75 €
Price level 75,60 €3,15 €
Price level 86,60 €3,65 €

a) Adults who accompany school or kindergarten groups pay the ticket price for children.
b) KasselPlus comprises: City of Kassel, Ahnatal, Baunatal, Calden, Espenau, Fuldabrück, Fuldatal, Habichtswald, Kaufungen, Lohfelden, Nieste, Niestetal, Schauenburg, Staufenberg and Vellmar.
c) Valid in downtown Bad Wildungen including Reinhardshausen, the downtown areas of Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Frankenberg, Korbach, Melsungen, Reinhardshagen and Witzenhausen

  • Valid for groups of 5 and more for a one-way trip  
  • The price per ride is half of that of an individual ticket  
  • The group must stay together for the duration of the trip and ride together 

Ticket sale: 
At ticket dispensers in trams and on RegioTrams, from the bus driver, at the Customer Center and at the InfoPoints or at one of the many sales points in Kassel and environs

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You can purchase the Hessenticket for just EUR 42,50 which is valid for one calender day and up to 5 passengers on Monday through Friday from 9 am and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays all day along for the entire local public transportation network in Hesse. 

When you start the trip, the names of all passengers traveling in the group must be specified on the ticket. A replacement of names after the first trip has begun is not permitted. 

The ticket is only valid for economy class travel, an upgrade to first class is not possible, even if respective surcharges are paid.

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  • Valid in the entire regional public transportation network of Hesse  
  • For up to five passengers 
  • For any number of rides  

Ticket sale: At ticket dispensers in trams and on RegioTrams, from the bus driver, at the Customer Center and at the InfoPoints or at one of the many sales points in Kassel and environs


Das SparCard-Abo lohnt sich für alle, die nicht täglich, aber öfter den Nahverkehr in Kassel und im gesamten NVV-Gebiet nutzen.

Die SparCard kostet nur 9€ pro Monat und berechtigt zum Kauf günstiger SparTickets im gesamten NVV-Gebiet. Unter mein Abo ist das SparCard-Abo online erhältlich. Nach 6 Monaten Laufzeit ist das Abo immer zum Ende eines Vertragsmonats kündbar. Die SparCard gilt personengebunden und ist nur in Verbindung mit einem Lichtbildausweis gültig.

SparTickets funktionieren wie Einzelfahrkarten, sind jedoch um 50% günstiger und nur in Verbindung mit einer SparCard gültig. Es gibt die SparTickets in den Preisstufen Stadt Kassel, KasselPlus sowie allen Preisstufen der Region für Kinder, Jugendliche oder Erwachsene. Sie berechtigen eine Person zu einer Fahrt ohne Umwege und Unterbrechung. Erhältlich sind die SparTickets in der NVV-App, an mobilen und stationären Fahrkartenautomaten, in NVV-Kundenzentren und InfoPoints sowie beim Fahrpersonal in allen Bussen und AST-Fahrzeugen. 

TarifstufeSparTicket ErwachseneSparTicket U18
Stadt Kassel1,60 €1,00 €
KasselPlus (A)2,10 €

1,30 €

Preisstufe S (B)1,00 €0,70 €
Preisstufe 11,20 €0,80 €
Preisstufe 22,00 €1,10 €
Preisstufe 32,60 €1,50 €
Preisstufe 43,40 €1,80 €
Preisstufe 54,10 €2,20 €
Preisstufe 64,80 €2,70 €
Preisstufe 75,60 €3,10 €
Preisstufe 86,60 €3,60 €
  • SparCard-Abo für nur 9€ im Monat
  • SparCard berechtigt zum Kauf von SparTickets im gesamten NVV-Gebiet
  • SparTickets sind 50% günstiger als Einzelfahrkarten
  • lohnt sich im KasselPlus-Gebiet bereits ab der 5. Fahrt pro Monat


Die SparCard ist online unter mein Abo bestellbar.

SparTickets können in der NVV-App, an mobilen und stationären Fahrkartenautomaten, beim Fahrpersonal in allen Bussen und AST-Fahrzeugen und in Kundenzentren und InfoPoints gekauft werden.


Tickets for Specific Time Periods
For all
Wochenticket (Weekly Ticket)

The Wochenkarte (Weekly Ticket) is valid on 7 consecutive days. Up to 3 children under the age of 7 can ride along for free. The Wochenkarte is transferable. In price level 8 they are valid for the entire network, which means they can be used beyond the indicated route for the entire NVV region. 

Rate levelPrice
KasselPlus (B)28,30 €
Price level S (C)16,00 €
Price level 120,50 €
Price level 228,30 €
Price level 332,60 €
Price level 439,00 €
Price level 549,00 €
Price level 658,50 €
Price level 768,50 €
Price level 875,50 €

(B) KasselPlus comprises: City of Kassel, Ahnatal, Baunatal, Calden, Espenau, Fuldabrück, Fuldatal, Habichtswald, Kaufungen, Lohfelden, Nieste, Niestetal, Schauenburg, Staufenberg and Vellmar.
(C) Valid in downtown Bad Wildungen including Reinhardshausen, the downtown areas of Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Frankenberg, Korbach, Melsungen, Reinhardshagen and Witzenhausen.

  • Valid for 7 consecutive days 
  • Transferable  
  • Valid for the entire NVV network on price level 8

Ticket sale:

At ticket dispensers in trams and RegioTrams, at Customer Centers and InfoPoints or at one of many sales points in Kassel and environs

Monatskarte (Monthly Ticket) and 9 Uhr-Monatskarte (9 AM Monthly Card)

Both options are valid for one month and one day, i.e. for instance from January 20 to February 20. The Monatskarte (Monthly Ticket) and the 9 Uhr-Monatskarte (9 AM Monthly Card) are transferable. Up to 3 children under the age of 7 can ride along free of charge. 

The 9 Uhr-Monatskarte (9 AM Monthly Card) is valid from Monday through Friday starting at 9 am. For rides before 9 am, passengers age 18 or older may simply acquire an additional individual ticket U18 or a  5erTicket U18 in the respective price level. The ticket is valid all day on weekends and holidays. 

On price level 8, both tickets are valid for the entire network, which means that they can be used beyond the stipulated route across the entire NVV region.

Rate levelMonthly Ticket9 AM Monthly Card
KasselPlus (B)90,50 €73,00 €
Price level S (C)49,50 €40,00 €
Price level 162,50 €49,50 €
Price level 290,50 €73,00 €
Price level 3109,50 €86,50 €
Price level 4136,00 €106,50 €
Price level 5159,00 €124,00 €
Price level 6182,50 €141,50 €
Price level 7206,50 €162,50 €
Price level 8230,00 €179,00 €

(B) KasselPlus comprises: City of Kassel, Ahnatal, Baunatal, Calden, Espenau, Fuldabrück, Fuldatal, Habichtswald, Kaufungen, Lohfelden, Nieste, Niestetal, Schauenburg, Staufenberg and Vellmar.
(C) Valid in downtown Bad Wildungen including Reinhardshausen, the downtown areas of Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Frankenberg, Korbach, Melsungen, Reinhardshagen and Witzenhausen.

  • Valid for one month and one day 
  •  Valid for the entire network on price level 8 
  • Transferable 

Ticket sale:

At ticket dispensers in trams and RegioTrams, at Customer Centers and InfoPoints or at one of many sales points in Kassel and environs

Jahreskarte (Annual Ticket) and 9 Uhr-Jahreskarte (9 AM Annual Ticket)

Jahreskarte (Annual Ticket) and 9 Uhr-Jahreskarte (9 AM Annual Ticket)
Based on the price of an individual ticket, these tickets are extremely budget friendly: You will be able to ride for 12 months, but you’ll only pay for 10. Hence, you save 17% compared to a monthly ticket. 

You can start the subscription at any time and cancel it at any time. 
The 9 Uhr-Jahreskarte (9 AM Annual Ticket) as a subscription is valid from Monday through Friday starting at 9 am. For rides before 9 am, passengers age 18 or older may simply acquire an additional individual ticket U18 or a  5erTicket U18 in the respective price level. The ticket is valid all day on weekends and holidays.

Up to 3 children under the age of 7 can ride along free of charge.
On Mondays through Fridays, starting at 7 pm as well as all day on weekends and holidays, the Jahreskarte works on the entire network, which means that they can be used for the entire NVV region. Moreover, during those hours, one person as well as all children who are part of the household and younger than 18 ride along free of charge. 

Principally, these tickets are transferable. However, upon request, they may also be ordered for a specific person. In this case, if you lose the ticket, it will be replaced in exchange for payment of a fee and if you are checked by a conductor and do not have your ticket on hand, only a processing fee will be charged if you present the ticket retroactively. 
The available payment options are: Pay in 10 monthly installments charged to your account or in advance for the entire year and you will get an additional discount of 3 %.

To order your Jahreskarte directly, click here.

Alternatively, you can also order a ticket at an NVV Customer Center of  NVV InfoPoint. A card will be issued to you immediately and you can start traveling. Subsequently, your ticket will arrive in 12 monthly segments via postal services. The envelope will always include 3 tickets, so that the risk of loss is minimal. 

Rate levelAnnual Ticket9 AM Annual Ticket
KasselPlus (B)905,00 €730,00 €
Price level S (C)495,00 €400,00 €
Price level 1625,00 €495,00 €
Price level 2905,00 €730,00 €
Price level 31.095,00 €865,00 €
Price level 41.360,00 €1.065,00 €
Price level 51.590,00 €1.240,00 €
Price level 61.825,00 €1.415,00 €
Price level 72.065,00 €1.625,00 €
Price level 82.300,00 €1.790,00 €

(B) KasselPlus comprises: City of Kassel, Ahnatal, Baunatal, Calden, Espenau, Fuldabrück, Fuldatal, Habichtswald, Kaufungen, Lohfelden, Nieste, Niestetal, Schauenburg, Staufenberg and Vellmar.
(C) Valid in downtown Bad Wildungen including Reinhardshausen, the downtown areas of Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Frankenberg, Korbach, Melsungen, Reinhardshagen and Witzenhausen.

  • Ride for 12 months and pay for just 10  
  • You can start and stop your subscription at any time  
  • Transferable or customizable upon request 
  • Monday through Friday as of 7 pm, all day on weekends and holidays, valid for the entire NVV rate zone  
  • Bring along another person and the children who are part of your household free of charge

The adventurous will enjoy special benefits –
culture and fun for holders of the Jahreskarte at a discount!

All adult holders of subscriptions to the Jahreskarte and the JobTicket will enjoy reduced admission prices if they present a valid ticket.

WhereDiscount  (Euro, Percent)
Im Kletterwald Kassel Hohes Gras3.00 Euro discount per guest
Kletterzentrum Nordhessen, Kassel10% discount
Brüder-Grimm-, Naturkunde- und Stadtmuseum0,50 Euro
Schloss WilhelmshöheReduced admission
Weißensteinflügel, Löwenburg, Neue Galerie und Marmorbad1,00 Euro
Orangerie, KasselReduced admission
Gewächshaus, Herkules, Ballhaus, Museum für Astronomie und Technik, Insel Siebenbergen0,75 Euro
Astronomisch-Physikalisches Kabinett im PlanetariumReduced admission
Personenschifffahrt Söllner1,00 Euro
Personenschifffahrt Rehbein1,00 Euro
Staatstheater Kassel: für Vorstellungen von Montag bis Donnerstagabout 15 %
Naturkundemuseum im OttoneumDiscount on special exhibitions
Kinos Bali, Gloria und Filmladen0,50 Euro
Nextbike LeihfahrräderThe first half hour of every rental is free
Carsharing ScouterNo activation fee and reduced monthly price of 2 Euro
Students and Apprentices
Schülerticket Hessen (Ticket for Students in Hesse)

The Schülerticket Hessen (Ticket for Students in Hesse) is an annual ticket. It is valid for all students and apprentices who live in Hesse, go to school here or are participating in an apprenticeship.  
You adults aged 18 and older have to present an eligibility certificate, which must be stamped by the school they attend or their apprenticeship company.

It is valid in all of Hesse and in Mainz, on all buses, trams, RegioTrams, S-trains, underground railway systems, regional trains, AnrufSammelTaxis (AST) as well as on night and express bus lines – all day and even during school breaks. First class services are not available with the Schülerticket (Ticket for Students), even if a surcharge is paid. The ticket is not valid on IC, ICE and other long distance trains. 

The Schülerticket Hessen (Ticket for Students in Hesse) is always valid for 12 consecutive months. The price is debited once or in 12 installments in the middle of the month to the holder’s account.

•    Annual advance payment: 365 Euro annually
•    Monthly charge: 31 Euro monthly = 372 Euro annually

Students and apprentices who receive full compensation for their commuter costs will receive the new  Schülerticket Hessen (Ticket for Students in Hesse) in the mail free of charge.
Principally, it is possible to start subscribing to the Schülerticket (Ticket for Students) any month of the year. The ticket is always valid as of the first day of a calendar month if it is ordered by the 10th of the previous month. For shorter time intervals, the NVV still offers the same weekly and monthly tickets at the reduced education/apprenticeship rate. 

Order online now

  • Starting at 1 Euro per day
  • For students and apprentices 
  • Valid in all of Hesse every day
  • The following are eligible: Students who live in Hesse or attend school in Hesse, as well as apprentices who reside or participate in an apprenticeship in Hesse
Weekly Ticket for Students

The Ausbildungswochenkarte (Weekly Ticket for Students) is available to students and apprentices and valid on 7 consecutive days, e.g. Monday through Sunday. Up to 3 children under the age of 7 ride along free of charge. 

Those who are 20 or older will need an eligibility certificate for the current school year to use the  Ausbildungswochenkarte (Weekly Ticket for Students). You can download it here. As an alternative, it is also available at your school and at all NVV Sales Points.

The eligibility certificate is valid for a maximum of one school year and comes in a different color every year. Hence, if you print out the downloaded version, you will have to print it in color. If you print it out in black and white, it will not be acceptable as an eligibility certificate. 

Once you have the form, have it stamped by your school, buy your ticket and enjoy the ride!

Rate levelPrice
KasselPlus (B)21,00 €
Price level S (C)10,50 €
Price level 113,70 €
Price level 221,00 €
Price level 324,20 €
Price level 430,00 €
Price level 538,50 €
Price level 645,50 €
Price level 754,00 €
Price level 862,00 €

(B) KasselPlus comprises: City of Kassel, Ahnatal, Baunatal, Calden, Espenau, Fuldabrück, Fuldatal, Habichtswald, Kaufungen, Lohfelden, Nieste, Niestetal, Schauenburg, Staufenberg and Vellmar.
(C) Valid in downtown Bad Wildungen including Reinhardshausen, the downtown areas of Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Frankenberg, Korbach, Melsungen, Reinhardshagen and Witzenhausen.

  • Valid on seven consecutive days 
  • For students and apprentices
  • Eligibility certificate required for those who are 20 and older

Ticket sale:
At ticket dispensers in trams and RegioTrams, at Customer Centers and InfoPoints or at one of many sales points in Kassel and environs

Monthly Ticket for Students

The Ausbildungsmonatskarte (Monthly Ticket for Students) is valid for students and apprentices for one month and one day, i.e. for instance from January 5 to February 5.  Up to 3 children under the age of 7 can ride along free of charge.

Those who are 20 or older will need an eligibility certificate for the current school year to use the  Ausbildungsmonatskarte (Monthly Ticket for Students) for the current school year. You can download it here. As an alternative, it is also available at your school and at all NVV Sales Points.

The eligibility certificate is valid for a maximum of one school year and comes in a different color every year. Hence, if you print out the downloaded version, you will have to print it in color. If you print it out in black and white, it will not be acceptable as an eligibility certificate.
Once you have the form, have it stamped by your school, buy your ticket and enjoy the ride.

Rate levelPrice
KasselPlus (B)65,00 €
Price level S (C)39,00 €
Price level 150,50 €
Price level 271,50 €
Price level 387,50 €
Price level 4104,00 €
Price level 5124,00 €
Price level 6144,00 €
Price level 7166,50 €
Price level 8184,50 €

(B) KasselPlus comprises: City of Kassel, Ahnatal, Baunatal, Calden, Espenau, Fuldabrück, Fuldatal, Habichtswald, Kaufungen, Lohfelden, Nieste, Niestetal, Schauenburg, Staufenberg and Vellmar.
(C) Valid in downtown Bad Wildungen including Reinhardshausen, the downtown areas of Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Frankenberg, Korbach, Melsungen, Reinhardshagen and Witzenhausen.

  • Valid for one month and one day 
  • For students and apprentices 
  • An eligibility certificate is required for those aged 20 and older 

Ticket sale:

At ticket dispensers in trams and RegioTrams, at Customer Centers and InfoPoints or at one of many sales points in Kassel and environs


Students have the following options on many routes:
Matriculation ID + Photo ID = NVV ticket (SemesterTicket)

University of Kassel
The Semester ID, along with a photo ID, is accepted throughout the entire NVV region and by the regional railway lines RB8 and RB7 from and to Göttingen, RB6 from and to Eisenach. The  SemesterTicket is valid an entire month prior to the start of the semester identified in the ticket. For more information on the scope of the ticket, please visit AStA Kassel.

University of Paderborn and Theological Faculty PaderbornThe SemesterTicket is valid on the abellio trains between Warburg – Kassel and between the stations Kassel Main Station and Kassel Wilhelmshöhe on all regional transportation trains.

Philipps University Marburg, Justus Liebig University Gießen, Protestant College Darmstadt, Technical University Central Hesse, University Rhine-Main, University of Fulda and Goethe University Frankfurt For students enrolled at these universities, the SemesterTicket of the Rhine-Main Transportation Alliance will be accepted as a ticket throughout the entire NVV region in combination with a photo ID. This applies one month prior to the start of the semester cited in the SemesterTicket. 

University of Göttingen
The SemesterTicket is valid on the trains of the cantus Verkehrsgesellschaft on the routes Göttingen – Eichenberg, Eichenberg – Kassel, Kassel – Bebra, Eichenberg – Haunetal und Bebra – Eisenach. The SemesterTicket may also be used between the railway stations Kassel Main Station and Kassel Wilhelmshöhe on all regional transport trains.
•    Only valid in combination with a photo identification card 
•    50 % discounted starter price with carsharing provider Scouter 

  • Only valid in combination with a photo identification card 
  • 50 % discounted starter price with carsharing provider Scouter 
Semesterticket Niedersachsen/Bremen
  • Hochschule für Künste BremenCarl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
  • Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) Standort Hannover
  • FHDW Fachhochschule für die Wirtschaft Hannover
  • Freie Hansestadt Bremen - Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung
  • HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen
  • HBK Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig
  • HSB Hochschule Bremen, Hochschule Bremerhaven
  • HfÖV Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung Bremen
  • Hochschule Emden/Leer
  • Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen – Ottersberg
  • Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover
  • HsH Hochschule Hannover
  • Hochschule Osnabrück
  • IUBH Internationale Hoschschule Standort Bremen und Hannover
  • Jacobs University Bremen
  • Jade-Hochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth
  • MHH Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
  • Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Wolfenbüttel
  • Hochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel
  • PFH-Private Hochschule Göttingen
  • tiHo Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
  • TU Braunschweig
  • Stiftung Universität Vechta
  • Universität Bremen
  • Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • Universität Hildesheim
  • Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
  • Universität Osnabrück

The following applies to all other students:
You can use education/apprenticeship tickets for specified time periods in combination with a study certificate. 

By the way:
Your SemesterTicket entitles you to a 50 % discount on the starter price with carsharing service Scouter. This allows you to flexibly switch between public regional transportation and car. In Kassel, for instance, you can find stations at the university sites Holländischer Platz and Wilhelmshöher Allee. For specific information please visit


The job ticket is an exclusive service that is available as an annual ticket subscription through employers. The amount of reduction depends on the contributions the employer is making.

Just like all other annual tickets, all JobTickets are available Monday through Friday from 7 pm and all day on weekends and holidays, throughout the entire NVV region. Moreover, you can bring along one additional person and the children who are part of your household and under the age of 18 free of charge during these time windows.

If you are an employer and are interested in acquiring JobTickets for your employees, please contact the following individual:

For employers domiciled in Kassel or in the KasselPlus zone, Thomas Janicke at  thomas.janicke(at)

For employers in Northern Hesse, Imre Petrik at jobticket(at)

  • Available as discounted annual subscription tickets through the employer  
  • Mon - Fri starting at 7 pm and on all weekends and holidays, the ticket will be valid in the entire NVV region and one adult as well as all children who are part of the household can travel along free of charge

Ticket sale: 

  • For employers domiciled in the KasselPlus region, Thomas Janicke at thomas.janicke(at) 
  • For employers in the region of Northern Hesse, Imre Petrik at jobticket(at)


Benefit Recipients
MittendrinTicket und DiakonieTicket

Who is the MittendrinTicket for?

Citizens of Kassel who maintain their primary residence in Kassel and receive one of the following social security benefits can purchase the MittendrinTicket if they present their eligibility certificate.

•    Unemployment benefits II (SGB II) 
•    Welfare benefits (SGB II) 
•    Cost of living contributions (SGB XII)
•    Basic living expense benefits (SGB XII)
•    Benefits from the Asylum Applicant Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
•    Rent support benefits based on the Residential Expenses Act (WoGG)

Easy mobility on a budget in and around Kassel
All recipients of the abovementioned social benefits who make Kassel their home enjoy financial relief by purchasing the MittendrinTicket. It allows them to ride the bus, tram and RegioTram at a budget price. The monthly price of the MittendrinTicket is Euro 35 and the ticket is valid throughout the entire  KasselPlus region. 

Moreover, the MittendrinTicket is valid from Monday through Friday from 7 pm as well as on weekends and on holidays in Hesse for the whole NVV region. The ticket holder can bring along an additional adult and all children who are members of the household who travel for free. 
The City of Kassel uses resources from its budget to fund the MittendrinTicket  and thus offers mobility to many in the KasselPlus region.

  • For all recipients of social benefits who have their primary residence in Kassel
  • Available only subject to the presentation of an eligibility certificate
  • Valid in the entire KasselPlus region
  • Only Euro 35 a month  
  • Valid Mon – Fri after 7 pm and on all holidays as well as weekends for the entire NVV region. One adult and all children who are part of the household can travel along for free.  
My Proof of Eligibility

To request your eligibility certificate for the MittendrinTicket along with the Mittendrin! Teilhabecard Kassel, submit an online application at

If you do not have the technical equipment (PC or smartphone), you will receive the eligibility certificate if you present your approval notice as well as a valid identification document to the  Diakonisches Werk Region Kassel:
City Quarter Center Wesertor
Neue Brüderkirche, Weserstraße 26, 34125 Kassel
Public business hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, 2 pm – 4 pm
Stop: Katzensprung or Weserspitze

City Quarter Center "Mittelpunkt im Brückenhof"
Theodor-Haubach-Str. 6, 34132 Kassel
Public business hours: Thursdays 9 am – 11 am
Stop: School Center Brückenhof

Please keep in mind that the issuing agencies may now be closed due to the Corona situation. Hence, you also have the option to request your eligibility certificate via regular mail. To do so, please send a copy of your approval notice to the following address:

Sozialamt Stadt Kassel
34112 Kassel

In this case, the eligibility certificate will be sent directly to your home address. If you have questions, please call: 0561-115.

Are you traveling in a different price zone?

Anyone who maintains their primary residence in Kassel or takes regular trips beyond the KasselPlus zone will have continued access to the DiakonieTicket.

For more details, please consult the DiakonieTicket-Flyer.

Price level:DiakonieTicketDiakonieTicket 9 am
Stadt Kassel57,00 €44,00 €
KasselPlus (A)70,00 €56,50 €
Price level S (B)38,00 €31,00 €
Price level 148,50 €38,50 €
Price level 270,00 €56,50 €
Price level 385,00 €63,00 €
Price level 4105,50 €82,50 €
Price level 5123,00 €96,00 €
Price level 6141,50 €110,00 €
Price level 7160,00 €126,00 €
Price level 8178,00 €139,00 €


(a) KasselPlus comprises: City of Kassel, Ahnatal, Baunatal, Calden, Espenau, Fuldabrück, Fuldatal, Habichtswald, Kaufungen, Lohfelden, Nieste, Niestetal, Schauenburg, Staufenberg and Vellmar.
(b) Valid in downtown Bad Wildungen including Reinhardshausen, the downtown areas of Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Frankenberg, Korbach, Melsungen, Reinhardshagen and Witzenhausen.

Hier gibt es das MittendrinTicket und die DiakonieTickets

Sie bekommen das MittendrinTicket- und das DiakonieTicket im NVV-Kundenzentrum der KVG und in den hier genannten Verkaufsstellen. Bitte legen Sie dazu Ihren Berechtigungsnachweis vor.


NVV-Kundenzentrum der KVG
Haltestelle Königsplatz / Mauerstraße
Montag: 8 - 18 Uhr
Dienstag - Freitag: 10 - 18 Uhr

Haltestelle Bahnhof Wilhelmshöhe, Willy-­Brandt-­Platz 1
Montag und Dienstag: 10 - 13.15 Uhr und 14 - 19.30 Uhr
Mittwoch bis Freitag: 8 - 13.15 Uhr und 14 - 19.30 Uhr
Samstag: 9.15 - 14.15 Uhr

Haltestelle Kassel Hauptbahnhof, Rainer-­Dierichsplatz 1
Montag - Freitag: 8 - 12 Uhr und 12.45 - 17.00 Uhr

Private Verkaufsstellen

Kiosk Kress, Königsplatz, Haltestelle Königsplatz
Kiosk Opernplatz, Opernplatz, Haltestelle Friedrichsplatz
Kiosk Behschad, Obere Königsstr. 8, Haltestelle Rathaus/Fünffensterstr.
Städtische Werke AG, Königstor 3-13, Haltestelle Rathaus/Fünffensterstr.
Zeitschriften & Schreibwaren, Wehlheider Platz 1, Haltestelle Kirchweg
Post, Lotto und Zeitschriften, Ihringshäuser Str. 77, Haltestelle Koboldstr.
Presse Shop Heinz, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 125, Haltestelle Friedenskirche
Kiosk & Schreibwaren Weller, Leuschnerstr. 95, Haltestelle Helleböhn
Nordstadt-Kiosk, Holländische Straße 198a, Haltestelle Hegelsbergstraße
Steinbrecher-Treichel, Wilhelmshöher Allee 122, Haltestelle Kirchweg
Papeterie Zimmering, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 149, Haltestelle Bebelplatz
Shop am Uhrturm, Wolfhager Straße 375, Haltestelle Karlshafener Straße
Schreibwaren Zimmerring, Teichstraße 31, Haltestelle Teichstraße
Kiosk No. 94., Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 94, Haltestelle Querallee
Schreibwaren Resai, Weserstraße 41, Haltestelle Wesespitze
Kiosk am Brückenhof, Heinrich-Platt-Straße 69, Haltestelle Heinrich-Plett-Straße
Kiosk Amiri, Frankfurter Straße 71, Haltestelle Am Weinberg und Heinrich-Heine-Straße
Fritze Kiosk, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 73, Haltestelle Annastraße
Schmidt's Tabakladen, Söhrestraße 25 ½ 34253 Lohfelden, Haltestelle Altes Rathaus
Journal am Brunnen, Rathausplatz 6, 34246 Vellmar Haltestelle Vellmar, Rathaus

To ensure that you always have the latest information while you are traveling, we have generated an at-a-glance overview for you:

Seniorenticket Hessen

The Seniorenticket Hessen is valid for regional transportation all over Hesse, on weekdays from 9 am and on weekends and holidays all day long. It costs Euro 365 annually – in other words just 1 Euro a day. You can conveniently pay for Euro 365 for the ticket once a year or 12 monthly installments of Euro 31 each.

You also have the option to purchase the Seniorenticket Hessen for Euro 625 a year and get the comfort version. It is valid around the clock and if you are traveling by train, you also have access to first class seating. Moreover, the Seniorenticket Hessen Komfort allows you to bring along one adult and any number of children under the age of 15 free of charge, Monday through Fridays starting at 7 -m or all day on weekends and holidays. Conveniently pay a one-time amount of Euro 625 for the ticket or 12 monthly installments of Euro 53 each.

Both versions of the ticket are electronic tickets on a chip card. You can order the ticket online from the NVV Subscriber Center of the KVG and at all NVV Customer Centers and InfoPoints.

  • From Euro 1 a day, valid for regional transportation all over Hesse
  • For anyone age 65 and over  
  • Also available as the Seniorenticket Komfort, which allows, among other things, the bringing along of another person and the use of first class
Event Ticket

A KombiTicket is an admission ticket to an event that also includes the transportation ticket for the bus, tram or RegioTram.

The ticket is valid for travel to and from the event and is valid all over the KasselPlus region for 2 each hours prior to and after the event.

The following are loyal KombiTicket partners:

MT Melsungen: A first rate handball team in Northern Hesse – games of the MT Melsungen in the First Handball League are absolutely enthralling!

To ensure that you can travel to and from the game at ease, the tickets you purchase in advance or at the ticket booth for home games at the Rothenbachhalle are also transportation tickets for the  KasselPlus zone. Shuttle buses are running between the Auestadion and the Rothenbachhalle before and after games.  

For advance MT Melsungen ticket purchases, game schedules and more, please visit 

MM Konzerte: Whether you want to enjoy a comedy, musical or rock concert event – all tickets sold for events and concerts hosted by MM Konzerte in the Eissporthalle are also KombiTickets. In some cases this also applies to MM events at different venues. Please check for the NVV/KVG logo on your admission ticket.

Piazza and Summer in the Park (Vellmar): Tickets to the events hosted by Culture Center Piazza in Vellmar, which also include the Culture Festival Summer in the Park, are also available as KombiTickets.

TSV Vellmar: Season passes for home games of the Upper League Team are KombiTickets. You can purchase season passes at the Ziegener Garden Center (Vellmar, Triftstraße 72) or at the ticket booths for home games of the Upper League Team.

Wine Merchant Schluckspecht also offers event tickets that are also transportation tickets.

For Event Organizers:

If you are planning to host a music, sports or cultural event in Kassel and want to make sure you’re your guests use climate friendly travel options and do not have to look for parking, contact:

Thomas Janicke
Telephone 0561 3089-153
Email: thomas.janicke(at)


  • Admission ticket = ride ticket for bus, tram and RegioTram
  • Valid two hours before and after the event start time
  • Valid throughout the entire KasselPlus region

Ticket sale:

Through our event partners

Purchasing tickets

You can purchase tickets from the vending machines on the tram, from the bus driver (no weekly or monthly tickets), at the NVV Customer Center of the KVG, as cell phone tickets on the NVV app or at one of the numerous sales points in Kassel and environs. Annual tickets can be obtained during a visit to our Customer Center or conveniently online under "Mein Abo".

Pricing System
Pricing zones

The KasselPlus region comprises the City of Kassel and fourteen adjacent municipalities. It is divided into price zones.
If the start and end stop are located within one price zone (e.g. both are within the Vellmar city limits or within the city limits of Baunatal), price level 1 applies.
For rides with individual tickets and budget tickets (individual tickets, MultiTickets, 5-er Tickets and GroßgruppenTickets) that start within the City of Kassel and also end there, the Stadt Kassel price level applies (for tickets that are issued for specific times, the price level is KasselPlus).
For rides that end in a different price zone than they started or that cross through a different price zone, the applicable price level is 

Destinations and price levels

Get to the right price level in two clicks 

The price of your ride is based on the starting and end point. Besides price levels Stadt Kassel, KasselPlus and Stadttarif (for the downtown areas Bad Wildungen, Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Frankenberg, Korbach, Melsungen, Reinhardshagen and Witzenhausen) there are 8 other price Levels.

Pricing terms

The pricing terms of the Nordhessischer VerkehrsVerbund (NVV) will provide you with all information related to prices, tickets, transportation terms and provisions, contractual provisions and the refund and replacement of tickets. 

Pricing terms of the Nordhessischer VerkehrsVerbund (NVV)
Published by:

Nordhessischer VerkehrsVerbund
Rainer-Dierichs-Platz 1
34117 Kassel


Service Hours: 
Monday - Thursday & Sunday: 5.00 am – 10 pm
Friday & Saturday: 5.00 am – midnight