Pricing System

Pricing zones

The KasselPlus region comprises the City of Kassel and fourteen adjacent municipalities. It is divided into price zones.
If the start and end stop are located within one price zone (e.g. both are within the Vellmar city limits or within the city limits of Baunatal), price level 1 applies.
For rides with individual tickets and budget tickets (individual tickets, MultiTickets, 5-er Tickets and GroßgruppenTickets) that start within the City of Kassel and also end there, the Stadt Kassel price level applies (for tickets that are issued for specific times, the price level is KasselPlus).
For rides that end in a different price zone than they started or that cross through a different price zone, the applicable price level is 

Destinations and price levels

Get to the right price level in two clicks 

The price of your ride is based on the starting and end point. Besides price levels Stadt Kassel, KasselPlus and Stadttarif (for the downtown areas Bad Wildungen, Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Frankenberg, Korbach, Melsungen, Reinhardshagen and Witzenhausen) there are 8 other price Levels.

Pricing terms

The pricing terms of the Nordhessischer VerkehrsVerbund (NVV) will provide you with all information related to prices, tickets, transportation terms and provisions, contractual provisions and the refund and replacement of tickets. 

Pricing terms of the Nordhessischer VerkehrsVerbund (NVV)
Published by:

Nordhessischer VerkehrsVerbund
Rainer-Dierichs-Platz 1
34117 Kassel